Elena H. Fischer in Prangins, CH

Artists question the nature of art by presenting new propositions as to art's nature.
My comments about art
In French and/or in English
I live and work in Switzerland
You may wish to consult "my work in progress" on the right side on the following page: http://elena.fotopages.com (now password protected)
I missed the train to New York
Je vis en Suisse et en Europe …
J’ai fait des études de sciences politiques et me suis intéressée tôt à l'art et la musique. J’ai été metteur en scène, enseignante, journaliste, éditeur et documentaliste.
Enthousiasmée par les possibilités de l'ordinateur, je me suis recyclée en 1994 dans l'art numérique et le photo/graphisme.
Comme beaucoup de photographes, j’ai ou j'avais une prédilection pour le portrait et le quotidien.
Avec un petit appareil numérique de résolution modeste j’ai commencé à croquer les instants fugitifs du quotidien et j’ai collectionné des "images faibles", sans la qualité apparente du parfait tirage, c'est-à-dire quelque chose d’un art informel tout en constituant une réflexion sur la duplicité rhétorique de l'image photographique.
Mes photographies pourraient avoir été produites pour l’industrie de masse du photoreportage. Elles ne s’attachent cependant pas tant à regarder le monde qu’à tâcher de saisir comment on nous le donne à voir.
Il y a l’art, il y a l’artiste, il y a la culture, et le seul artiste réaliste serait Dieu, s'il existe.
Aujourd’hui pas de réelle définition du mot artiste qui est inclassable.
L'UNESCO en 1980 propose que toute personne s'autodéclarant artiste est un artiste. Dans cette enquête, 60 % se déclare professionnel.
"Tant de liberté, en art, pour n'en faire que si peu de choses!"
L'intentionnalité de l'artiste s'efface donc avec la signification.
Dans les espaces Projets: Art ou Archive ?
William Rubin, director of the Museum of Modern Art in New York said, "there is no single definition of art."
The art historian Robert Rosenblum believes that "the idea of defining art is so remote [today]" that he doesn't think "anyone would dare to do it."
In the late 60s and early 70s of the past century, conceptual art emerged to place art beyond limitations and definitions, to break the stranglehold of bourgeois formalist art history and criticism.
The important thing was the "making" and the manipulation of materials.
The final object became secondary and often temporary (Christo, for example).
We have been taught that art is important. We're unwilling to face up to the recently revealed insight that art in fact has no "essence".
Artists, whoever they are, continue to produce, but we are no longer able to say whether it is art or not.
Le travail de promotion est devenu très exigent:
une analogie art biz/showbiz :
lancement publicitaire, starification.
Les conservateurs s'appuyant sur la renommée des artistes produites par le marché renforcent leurs consécration par l'achat de leurs œuvres.
Not all artists want to find a gallery.
In January 2003, Michael R. Bloomberg, Mayor of New York City, announced that the city has given permission to New York artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude to realize THE GATES, CENTRAL PARK, NEW YORK, 1979-2005, in which 7500 Gates -- each 16 feet high with saffron colored fabric panels suspended from their horizontal top beams - - will follow the edges of the walkways on 23 miles of footpaths in Central Park.
THE GATES is scheduled to be installed in February 2005.
Last year, New York City introduced legislation (Intro. 160) requiring artists who sell art in the parks of New York to get a license.
This is the letter from Christo and Jeanne-Claude to Mayor :
"The Honorable Michael R. Bloomberg
Mayor of New York City
17 East 79 Street
New York, NY 10021
New York City, February 19, 2003
Dear Michael,
This letter is not addressed to our friend Michael, but to
the mayor of the greatest city in the world. The City of the Arts.
On January 27, 2002, you proposed INTRO 160.
Intro 160 would prevent artists of New York to exhibit and sell
their work in public places.
Artists who sell in the streets and in the parks are counting on
you to protect their civil liberties.
Artists must pay sales tax, YES, when they are lucky enough to
sell. Give them a chance to sell.
That is a revenue to the City, and it should be the pride
of the citizens to see many people engaged in creating Art.
Not all artists can find a gallery. Give artists a chance to
show their work.
Not all artists can afford to buy a License.
PLEASE, Mr. Mayor, change your mind about Intro 160.
With our friendly thoughts,
Christo and Jeanne-Claude "
February, 2005
The Gates can be seen until February 27
I entered the biography and the text concerning Christo and Jeanne two years ago when I started posting on the Sito site
General Information
⚠️ This artist is likely inactive on SITO. The last time they did anything here was 2012-06-05. If they have given an email address, it may be out-of-date and invalid. ⚠️ HOMEPAGE: http://elena.fotopages.com (now pass word protected)
EMAIL: Click here to send this artist an email MESSAGE BOARD: Read archived comments about this artist (58 postings) LOCATION: Switzerland LANGUAGE: French
COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: "Full" - Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
COPYRIGHT NOTE: Copyright may vary from project to project or
image to image, even for one artist. Please verify the copyright in each
specific instance before using ANY artwork from SITO. SITO Artchive
Elena H. Fischer in Prangins, CH has 437 works
total in the Artchive.
They are
organized into tag categories you see listed below.
Some works appear in multiple categories.
Synergy Collaborative Art Projects
Recent levels:
Full report for artist
Total: 13 levels, 71 pieces
= 0.64 hogfactor
hogfactor is a measure of how many pieces made per level. Value ranges from 0.0 (generous) to 1.0 (total hog). Under 0.25 is friendly.
Fh = ((P / L) - 1) / 7
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Dicussion posts:
52 Total Posts
Most recent is "Re: Geneva"
in topic sito.id.hsf