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Hay-low-way-ain, to all my name is Jackie and I am glad to meet you. First things first I am rather goofy some say or weird another would comment and gifted the Indians told me. I just started painting two years ago (in candlelight) wanting to paint fairies well trying to hard got a little angry and WHHOOSH all over the paper, then a friend comes over later turns my painting around (360) and WOW totally new painting,so I gave it to him (There is much more to the story).Well anyways that was the start of these paintings I called "ENERGY PAINTINGS" because they come from wherever I did'nt understand either. Doing a ting bit of research on this I have come to find the paintings are of the subconscious mind " Subconscious Paintings" so there you have some of it otherwise I am a person with a book of history and amazement but for now I will exspress it with ART. So this will be called the STARFIRE collection that has been a indian name I have so enjoy the exspression. "We dance around in a ring and suppose, but the secret sits in the middle and knows" -byRobertFrost-

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⚠️ This artist is likely inactive on SITO. The last time they did anything here was 2002-12-11.
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LOCATION: United States

LANGUAGE: None set (will use English)

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: "Full" - Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.

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