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General Information

⚠️ This artist is likely inactive on SITO. The last time they did anything here was 2021-02-28.
If they have given an email address, it may be out-of-date and invalid. ⚠️


MESSAGE BOARD: Read archived comments about this artist (29 postings)

LOCATION: New Zealand


COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: "Full" - Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.

COPYRIGHT NOTE: Copyright may vary from project to project or image to image, even for one artist. Please verify the copyright in each specific instance before using ANY artwork from SITO.

SITO Artchive

pekapeka has 191 works total in the Artchive. They are organized into tag categories you see listed below. Some works appear in multiple categories.

Waitaha: 151rua pick: 119puoro: 94taonga puoro: 39ohau matua puoro: 34ruapick: 24hue: 21putatara: 20pukaea: 20pupakapaka: 16rock art: 15pounamu: 14aotearoa: 14maori rock art: 13painting: 12pumoana: 11painting: 11painting: 11matai: 11putorino: 10painting: 10painting: 10Hue Puruhau: 10muka: 9waitaha rock art: 8gourd: 8taha: 7purerehua: 7paua: 7paraoa: 7ohaumatua: 7karanga manu: 7haungungu: 7tangaroa: 6rata: 6porotiti: 6pepeha: 6painting: 6painting: 6ohaumatua puoro: 6ohau matua: 6maire: 6whispers of waitaha: 5waka: 5tawhai raunui: 5pumotomoto: 5poi awhiowhio: 5manuka: 5kowhai: 5horoeka: 5artworks.: 5toko mata: 4tawhai: 4tangiwai: 4porutu: 4nose flute: 4nguru: 4maeroero: 4kareao: 4kapuka: 4artist rua pick: 4art: 4Art: 4wataha: 3uruao: 3totara: 3tokere: 3te ku: 3tawhai rauriki: 3tawa: 3taonga: 3tane: 3sculpture: 3rock painting: 3rirerire: 3rangorango: 3pani: 3pakuru: 3mouth bow: 3manoao: 3koauau ihu poka: 3ipu: 3art: 3art: 3art: 3aho: 32010: 3whekau: 2wharariki: 2waitaki: 2tuhituhi: 2trumpet shell: 2rua: 2rock drawings: 2rock drawing: 2rehua: 2raupo: 2ranginui: 2puoru: 2pou: 2pitoitoi: 2piharau: 2pick: 2pepeke: 2peace: 2patete: 2papatuanuku: 2oregon: 2oamaru stone: 2nukunuku: 2nga huarahi tawhito: 2nainai: 2mokihi: 2moa: 2mamae: 2lamprey: 2kupe: 2kororohu: 2koauau ihu ponga: 2koauau: 2kauri: 2karanga kaka: 2kapia: 2kanakana: 2kahikatea: 2jasper: 2humumu ira garara: 2huerara: 2hue rara: 2hue puruwai: 2hue ihu ponga: 2hikurangi: 2frog shell: 2douglas fir: 2castanets: 2bullroarer: 2bird caller: 2New Zealand: 2Huaki: 2world stars of peace flag: 1world cup: 1wooden bowl trumpet: 1wooden alphorn like trumpet: 1winter iconography?: 1wheiao: 1wera: 1waitha: 1waitangi ki raro: 1waitaha.nga huarahi tawhito: 1waitaha rua pick: 1waitaha art: 1waitah: 1waikirikiri: 1urn gum: 1uku: 1turtle painting ocean story: 1tupanapana: 1tumutumu: 1tu te raki hau noa: 1totora: 1totara wera: 1toroa: 1toko mata gallery: 1tohora: 1titara: 1te ponui: 1te moananui a kiwa: 1te maiharoa: 1te heke: 1te awa a kiwa: 1te aoturoa: 1tawhirimatea: 1tawera moana: 1tawai: 1tataratara: 1tasmanian blackwood: 1taratara: 1tapu: 1taongo puoro: 1taonga puoro waitaha: 1taoga puoro: 1tanga puoro: 1tane matua: 1taitapu: 1taiponui o te uruwahia: 1tahana: 1table mountain: 1sun flower: 1sumac: 1spirit: 1south island: 1south africa: 1soccer: 1soapstone: 1silver pine: 1sculpture: 1sculpture: 1sculpture: 1sculpture: 1sculpture: 1sculpture: 1sculpture: 1sculpture: 1santa charade: 1rurua: 1ruaumoko: 1ruariki: 1ruapick waitaha: 1rua pick.hine pu te hue: 1rua pekapeka: 1roroa: 1roria: 1rongomaraeroa: 1rongo.tawhirimatea: 1rongo marae roa: 1rock paintings: 1rimu: 1rewarewa: 1reinga wairua: 1rehu: 1red beech: 1rapua: 1rangimarie: 1ranga ahua: 1rakau rauriki: 1rakau manuka: 1quatz: 1puwhawharua: 1putotorino: 1putatata: 1putatar: 1putangitangi: 1purehua: 1purapura whetu: 1pupakpaka: 1punakaiki: 1pumoa: 1pukaea side blown: 1puhue: 1puehutea: 1puanga: 1pu hua moa: 1pu a raukatauri: 1pu: 1prayers: 1poupou: 1pouakai: 1portrait: 1poiawhiowhio: 1poi awhiwhio: 1poi awhioawhio: 1poi: 1photo: 1pereru: 1pererau: 1peka peka: 1pauau: 1pate: 1parau: 1paparoa: 1panipani: 1p: 1owl: 1orion: 1omaui: 1oil: 1ohaumatu puoro: 1ohau matu: 1ohau: 1nz rock drawing: 1nukutaimemeha: 1ngahere: 1nga tawhito huarahi: 1nga pakihi whakatekateka o waitaha: 1mouth harps: 1monopoly: 1mokoroa: 1moemoea: 1mixedmedia: 1mauri ora: 1maungati: 1mauka atua: 1maui tikitiki a taranga: 1maui potiki: 1maui: 1matapuna: 1matai maire: 1marotini: 1mapara: 1manu tohutohu: 1manaia: 1mame: 1maire raunui: 1life: 1kurawaka: 1kupenga o te ao: 1kukua: 1ku: 1kokowai: 1kokako: 1kiriwai: 1kerewai: 1kea: 1karearea: 1karanga weka: 1karanga: 1karagna weka: 1kara: 1kamahi: 1kakau: 1kaitiaki: 1kahu kowhai: 1jarrah: 1iriui: 1ihupuku: 1ihu koropuku: 1huruhurumanu: 1huka a tai: 1hua: 1honu: 1holly: 1hoerikwagoo: 1hoanga tuhituhi: 1hinu: 1hine nui te po: 1hine moana: 1hide & seek: 1he manawa kanakana: 1hao tuna: 1hao: 1haki: 1green turban shell: 1greed: 1gourds: 1garara: 1frogshell: 1frog shelll: 1football: 1fly: 1fifa world cup: 1elephant seal: 1dream: 1destination: 1consumerism: 1conch shell trumpet: 1conch shell: 1conch: 1comet: 1collab: 1coch: 1click beetle: 1castanet: 1burr: 1bull roarer: 1born or made: 1blacksheep: 1black maire: 1bg moth: 1batwing: 1atua: 1artistruapick: 1araiteuru: 1aotea: 1anupihi: 1ancient pathways: 1TaneWahine: 1Syrinx aruanus: 1Red Hawk: 1Pakuru Southern Wharerau Drum: 1Nga Puke o Maeroero Southern Alps Mountains: 1New Zealand summer christmas?: 1Kiki Pounamu: 1Kahukura: 1Coca Santa: 1AGATE: 1 Kakapotahi Malvern Foothills: 1

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