Shawn Granton

Haling from the diminutive State Of Connecticut and now a Citizen of Portland, Oregon, Cascadia, I am currently a freelance artist when I am not working a job that actually pays the bills. I ve been drawing the mini-comic TEN FOOT RULE since 1997, twenty-odd years! Currently I make the bicycle-centric comic NEW OLD STOCK and a few other zines, including some photography related ones.
I also do a lot of flyers and such for various projects in Portland and around the world. I ve done illustrations and comics for bicycle magazines like MOMENTUM and BICYCLE TIMES, which are both defunct, alas.
I like riding my bike aimlessly around the city or touring long-distance, geeking out about film photography, riding trains [legally], long walks on the beach, sunsets, learning about our urban environment, enjoying quality coffee and beer, and eating too much burritos and pizza.
Email me at urbanadventureleague [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com or mail me the old-fashioned way:
P O BOX 14185, PORTLAND OR 97293-0185, USA
See my landing page link below to get to my presence elsewhere on the internets, like blog, Instagram, and flickr. You can also get to my Big Cartel Shop where you ll find comix, zines, stickers, buttons, postcards, and memberships to esoteric clubs. I m not as active on ye olde SITO as I used to be [sorry, Ed and Jon!] so check that link for the most up-to-date stuff from me. Heck, there s a good chance that you ll see something from the very day you gaze upon it!
General Information
HOMEPAGE: BOARD: Read archived comments about this artist (60 postings) LOCATION: Republic of Cascadia LANGUAGE: English
COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: "Full" - Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
COPYRIGHT NOTE: Copyright may vary from project to project or
image to image, even for one artist. Please verify the copyright in each
specific instance before using ANY artwork from SITO. SITO Artchive
Shawn Granton has 147 works
total in the Artchive.
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organized into tag categories you see listed below.
Some works appear in multiple categories.
Other SITO Information
Dicussion posts:
39 Total Posts
Most recent is "Re: Fight Nonsense With Nonsense Comic 14 Dec 2011"
in topic
Link contributions:
4 Links
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Most recent is » Made in Portland Bicycle Show and Art Exhibition
from 2006/07/05