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Amy Grantham

Hi! If you haven't guessed, I'm an artist!(outsider, folk, pop, etc) LOL.. I work primarily with acrylics on canvas... but have been known to work with other paints and wood/metal etc... I take requests and my price is always negotiable.. My pet portraits are probably my most common requests... Hope you enjoy my work.. feel free to contact me at :) NOW, ABOUT ME. I was born August 14, 1981 in McNairy County Tennessee. I grew up in a couple of tiny towns near there in the southwest corner of TN. I spent the days of my childhood running through the pastures on our farm and coming home to document my adventures with pencils and crayons on paper. I began creating art as soon as I could grasp a crayon. I started out drawing cartoon characters. I still remember a character I called Rescue Rat. I guess it was my own spin-off of Mighty Mouse. Soon I broadened my subjects as well as my techniques. I was always the first to volunteer, or "be volunteered", for school art projects, decorations, or play backdrops. I entered every art-related contest I could find. I was art director of my high school newspaper and ran original comic strips. It wasn't until the summer of 2001 that I actually began taking brushes to canvas with the same familiar passion I had used with my crayons as a toddler. Last year, an internet friend saw my work and liked what she saw. She made me an offer and the first Amy Grantham original was sold. Margie, my first customer, has since bought several pieces, including a portrait of her personal friend, Hillary Rodham Clinton. Since then, I've sold, shipped, and customized here and there, and donated a painting to a local middle school. I primarily paint with acrylics on canvas. My work is full of bold colors and subjects that are anything but ordinary. My techniques are completely self-taught and unconventional. I have had no formal training. My only training consists of trial and error, self discipline, the determination to reach my full artistic potential, and the wild, random thoughts that run through my head.

General Information

⚠️ This artist is likely inactive on SITO. The last time they did anything here was 2009-05-10.
If they have given an email address, it may be out-of-date and invalid. ⚠️


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LOCATION: United States

LANGUAGE: None set (will use English)

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: "Full" - Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.

COPYRIGHT NOTE: Copyright may vary from project to project or image to image, even for one artist. Please verify the copyright in each specific instance before using ANY artwork from SITO.

SITO Artchive

Amy Grantham has 40 works total in the Artchive. They are organized into tag categories you see listed below. Some works appear in multiple categories.

painting: 40

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