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Brandon Gaddy


Welcome to the world through the eye of Brandon Gaddy. I have always been interested in the extraordinary in the ordinary. I try to see the unusual aspects of everyday things and how they make me feel. Many artists choose clay, stone or paint to express themselves. I choose to use the lens of the camera to see into the depths of the world around me. Letting the lense be my eye into the world of the abstract. Wether is it in the intricate carvings of old headstones to the withered hand working to create something new. I try to let my feelings be expressed and my own questions asked through my photography not expecting my feelings to be shared or the same questions asked and answered. I leave interpretation to the eyes of the viewer to feel and think and put their own spin on what they see to make them feel and ask their own questions. Welcome and Enjoy

General Information

⚠️ This artist is likely inactive on SITO. The last time they did anything here was 2010-02-01.
If they have given an email address, it may be out-of-date and invalid. ⚠️

(flag)EMAIL: Click here to send this artist an email

MESSAGE BOARD: Read archived comments about this artist (3 postings)

LOCATION: United States


COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: "Creative Commons: attrib/non-comm/no deriv" - This work, unless otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

COPYRIGHT NOTE: Copyright may vary from project to project or image to image, even for one artist. Please verify the copyright in each specific instance before using ANY artwork from SITO.

SITO Artchive

Brandon Gaddy has 37 works total in the Artchive. They are organized into tag categories you see listed below. Some works appear in multiple categories.

photo: 21landscape: 7portrait: 4hands: 3Flower: 2

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