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Level 486 of 4723

Created on Feb 04, 2000.

Artist matrix

MKC2 485 MKC4

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(level 486)

Grid poem

WHAT? Well 'scuse me while I jumble something and dribble a little. Science: You start at the red cross (more like a plus) and move counterclockwise when you're done starting at a backslashUHbackslash 1 and a 2 (like Larry Welk) until you see Snoopy's garbage nose Mythos: and stare at my symmetric skulls while I just heave you on my wall of sound to know how my splodin zounds splatter Apology: because I need a hand to lift me off the ground and let the currents take their courses. Causality: A simple hand with too complex a plan for any man, but make it three and we'll see using the name of the artist, the game designer and the programmer, a single man with a single letter followed by an acid/base pair in the dimension where the will flips on can squeeze all that complexity into the 3D Poincare Conjecture. A celestial mechanicist said you are probably an invariant manifold dipshit. I asked for a second opinion and she said Love Me. The Lust to do or save. Gotta love your man plays, even if I'd never say some shit like that unless I was mocking. Just those words - Oh my FUCKING ___. Picture that, I know where I am and where I'm at, but it takes a cat with six eyes too :ROUGH?SEX?: show me the way to anywhere, anything. If science and advertizing bifurcate we'll see how to move governed CONJUNCTION: but I'm just an earthman ruled by the conservative (eigenvalues withheld in my attention) formula N_e = cos(f(nix)) && SInMA McMahaMahey. Well, maybe that's not it exactly, but the expected return is 101.80%. He's just crazy, right? So you tell me what my middle finger means. Advertizing like a Fritzpatrick. 12333211. What about HER middle finger? Oh my! I forgot the tape.

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This is Gridcosm engine version 2.931.

Completed level images are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Generic License. (This does not apply to individual pieces by single artists.)

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