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Dave Sag


i first touched a computer in 1980 in grade 10 maths.

in those days that meant colouring in bubbles on cards with a lead pencil.

the next year our school bought an apple ][ within two weeks i had my own key to the computer room

there i played ultima and wizardry

this led me to write a random maze generator (took 4 weeks)

i rewrote it so people could wander abut in 3D

and learned 6502 assembly language

then i went to uni and almost got expelled

for setting off fireworks in the CS labs


in 1984 i got my first mac and life changed permanently for me

i dropped out of uni and became a full time programmer

(three dimensional pty ltd)

this almost ruined me

but (saved by apple - they used to be so cool) instead

i got into dtp with a few pals

(scimitar type and art)

this almost killed me

then i got a 'real' job for about 6 mths before leaving

and starting a bike courier company.

(10 speed couriers)

I left there after two years and started an indi-rock mag.

(dB magazine) ... the dB is for decibel.

I left dB last year and, with Jesse Reynolds, formed

(virtual artists pty ltd)

with a view to being paid to hang out and 'do art'.

this I did for almost 10 years.

Then moved to London and enjoyed the dot-com boom. Then spent a lot of time travelling and enjoying the dot-com bust.

Then took a job as a Java developer.

Now back to being a freelance programmer.

General Information

⚠️ This artist is likely inactive on SITO. The last time they did anything here was 2005-08-25.
If they have given an email address, it may be out-of-date and invalid. ⚠️


MESSAGE BOARD: Read archived comments about this artist

LOCATION: Netherlands


COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: "Creative Commons: non-commercial/sharealike" - This work, unless otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

COPYRIGHT NOTE: Copyright may vary from project to project or image to image, even for one artist. Please verify the copyright in each specific instance before using ANY artwork from SITO.

Synergy Collaborative Art Projects

Gridcosm Gridcosm Recent levels:

Full report for artist

Total: 3 levels, 4 pieces = 0.05 hogfactor

hogfactor is a measure of how many pieces made per level. Value ranges from 0.0 (generous) to 1.0 (total hog). Under 0.25 is friendly.
Fh = ((P / L) - 1) / 7

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