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Francisco Jose Cerdá

Francisco Jose Cerdá Ortiz born in Elda ( Alicante) Spain on March 25 of 1.961. (Self-taught) COLLECTIVE EXHIBITIONS AND CONTESTS (Selection) XII Autumn lounge (Elda) Juvenile contest of Plastic Arts 1.986. Exhibitions in Alicante and Valencia. VII Almussafes's national Contest. III Contest Cultural Association TABARCA (Alicante) 1 Sample J.A.P.A. Sta Barbara's castle (Alicante). 1.987-1.989. Juvenile contest of Plastic Arts 1.987 . Exhibitions in Alicante and Castellón Collective Visions-Personals Galeria TRETZE. (Castellón). IV Contest of Painting of( Callosa de Segura). 1 UGT's centenary (Alicante). XV Compete For Provincial Club of Field (Elda) III Reward Foundation FICIA (Elda). III Contest LAlfas's villa (Alfaz del Pi). 1.990-1.991. National prize Díaz Caneja (Palencia).. XI Reward Painter Sorolla (Elda) 1 ª Biennial "Rafael Alberola" (Novelda). Collective Inauguration Gallery THIS .. .3 (Petrer). 1ª Sample of Painting San Francisco de Sales INDIVIDUAL EXHIBITIONS 1.983: Drawings in the Casa de la Juventud de ELDA. 1.990: Gallery- Pub Grappa ( Elda). 1.991:Gallery THIS...3 (Petrer). 1.993: Gallery - Bar" LA RiBA" (Monovar). 1.999: Coffee -Gallery GAUDÍ (Elda). 2001-Forn cultural ( petrer) DISTINCTIONS. Finalist in the Juvenile Contests of Plastic Arts of 1.986 y 1.987 (Autonomic Phase Valencian Community) 1.988: Second prize IV Contest of Painting of( Callosa del Segura). 1.990: Finalist of the Prize Díaz Caneja of Painting (Palencia). From the year 2000 she devotes himself to the so called digital art figuring his work in numerous sites of Internet of Australia, England, Germany, The United States, Argentina, Finland, Chile, Switzerland and Austria. His personal page in where sample cuts from his work is SALA RARA whose Url is: http: // In May of this year there was taking part in the Exhibition We met on the net who was celebrated in London in the Lewisham Arthouse.

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⚠️ This artist is likely inactive on SITO. The last time they did anything here was 2018-01-23.
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SITO Artchive

Francisco Jose Cerdá has 63 works total in the Artchive. They are organized into tag categories you see listed below. Some works appear in multiple categories.

abstract: 14illustration: 13humanbody: 7dream: 4photomanip: 3graphic: 3fantasy: 3drawing: 3pixel: 2painting: 2collage: 2stilllife: 1photo: 1flora: 1bodyart: 1automata: 1architecture: 1animal: 1

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Total: 1 levels, 2 pieces = 0.14 hogfactor

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Fh = ((P / L) - 1) / 7

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