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Ian Douglass Ferger

Ian was born and raised in Seattle, Washington, a medium sized former logging town turned dot com hub on the west coast of the United States. The generally depressive atmosphere of Seattle was a nurturing environment for satirical work. From a rather young age he had an acute interest in empirical method and dark humor, which eventually led to a chosen medium which lends itself well to both. In 1997, the first of many works became the largest, a 8'x 12' wall, begun by the previous occupant of his art studio. As time went on, the wall began to divide into various themes depending on availability. In 1999, he moved from the Greenlake studio for a more centrally located Pioneer Square space and brought much of the existing wall with him as well as some of his smaller pieces made along the way. In the new space, the wall was partially rebuilt and several other pieces were constructed. When 2000 came around, he had vacated his time consuming studio for a more conventional housing situation. After about a week of reconstructing the former wall collage into a more portable medium with very little sleep, Ian fell into a trance-like state lying in a pile of shredded magazines. In a dream, he saw a huge circle with thematically separated spokes eminating from the center in a mandalic pattern. The work in progress was quickly disassembled and rebuilt in such a pattern. Construction of this piece lasted nearly two years, and consisted of over 1000 magazines and publications, 4000 separate pieces, several pounds of glue, 6 pairs of scissors, 9 xacto blades, and 3/4 gallon of gel medium. When the last coat of medium was applied in fall of 2002, its girth had grown to 8' in diameter and its weight nearly 8 pounds. This central piece lent itself well to the creation of child works roughly based on its own themes. The time Between fall 2002 and fall 2003 was an intensely constructive period for Ian, and over 20 works sprang forth as well as various showings in Seattle. Presently, he is in collection mode, gathering materials for 10 planned works and several other possibles. Several shows are in the planning phases for this upcoming spring/summer period, check for updates.

General Information

⚠️ This artist is likely inactive on SITO. The last time they did anything here was 2004-02-24.
If they have given an email address, it may be out-of-date and invalid. ⚠️


EMAIL: Click here to send this artist an email

MESSAGE BOARD: Read archived comments about this artist (5 postings)

LOCATION: United States

LANGUAGE: None set (will use English)

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: "Full" - Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.

COPYRIGHT NOTE: Copyright may vary from project to project or image to image, even for one artist. Please verify the copyright in each specific instance before using ANY artwork from SITO.

SITO Artchive

Ian Douglass Ferger has 10 works total in the Artchive. They are organized into tag categories you see listed below. Some works appear in multiple categories.

political: 10collage: 9painting: 2photo: 1humanbody: 1fantasy: 1bodyart: 1animal: 1

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