Bertrand Eberhard
I am a self taught artist living near Paris. Hope you'l enjoy what u see here and if you want to see more, a good starting point is . One of my favorate thema is the woman body but anything goes from figurative to abstracts and photos as long as I have fun doing it. For more informations or if you'r interested to get one of my paintings, email me at :
General Information
⚠️ This artist is likely inactive on SITO. The last time they did anything here was 2019-11-12.
If they have given an email address, it may be out-of-date and invalid. ⚠️
EMAIL: Click here to send this artist an email
MESSAGE BOARD: Read archived comments about this artist (205 postings)
LANGUAGE: None set (will use English)
COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: "Full" - Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
COPYRIGHT NOTE: Copyright may vary from project to project or
image to image, even for one artist. Please verify the copyright in each
specific instance before using ANY artwork from SITO.
SITO Artchive
Bertrand Eberhard has 265 works
total in the Artchive.
They are
organized into tag categories you see listed below.
Some works appear in multiple categories.
painting: 71humanbody: 49drawing: 20abstract: 14photo: 10indian-ink: 10bodyart: 10photomanip: 9sculpture: 4painting: 4painting: 3painting: 3painting: 3painting: 3paintin: 3landscape: 3watercolor: 2painting: 2flora: 2dream: 2art: 2Art: 2nude woman back mixemedia: 1marouflage: 1installation: 1gouache: 1etching: 1collage: 1collage: 1collage: 1collage: 1collage: 1clouds: 1art: 1art: 1art: 1affichesccolalge: 1
Synergy Collaborative Art Projects
37 Total Pieces
List Pieces |
Artist's copyright, specific to HyGrid:
Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
Recent levels:
Full report for artist
Total: 46 levels, 90 pieces
= 0.14 hogfactor
hogfactor is a measure of how many pieces made per level. Value ranges from 0.0 (generous) to 1.0 (total hog). Under 0.25 is friendly.
Fh = ((P / L) - 1) / 7
Other SITO Information
Dicussion posts:
78 Total Posts
Most recent is "Re: elf of the river"
in topic
Link contributions:
5 Links
| Show Links
Most recent is jawlensky_saviors_face
from 2005/03/08