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Kurt Kohl


Outsider artist Curtis Charles Kohl:

Creates animation, jewelry, watercolors, sculptures, computer graphics, mixed media and runs
He is a curator at The Art Cafe' heading the 'Artkids' and 'Wordtheater' programs which use computers and the internet to help disabled and homeless people to network, find art related work, or learn creative skills.

He offers free workshops in DJ-ing to homeless and at-risk teens in Davison and the greater Flint area. He is disabled with HHV5; a severe neuro-muscular disease.

Kurt Kohls' works were featured when President Clinton opened the Disabilty Network Tech Center in Flint, Michigan.

His animation and design work has been featured on TV and in magazines such as: Danish Daily News, Sweater, YLEM, Seattle Times, INC Mag, Fast Company, and Detroit Metro Times.
His watercolors were accepted to the VSA 'Art with a View' museum tour and at the Polk art show 2002.

He won the Brian Froud award in 2003 and his artzine is required reading at University of Wisconsin and University of Minnesota.

In 2003 the Los Angeles County Museum of Art held an exhibition titled NANO created by an interdisciplinary team of artists, scientists, and humanists led by Victoria Vesna, James Gimzewski, and Katherine Hayles. The exhibition negotiated the perceptual shift required to comprehend the world at nano-scale. With: Victoria Vesna , Justine Cooper , Alexa Smith , Ken Goldberg & Karl Bohringer , Felice Frankel , Kurt Kohl, Charles Ostman , Laino Ranta

Kurt Kohl has 2 works touring with the VSA Cool Views 2005. The tour starts at the Amway Grand Hotel with the works on display during the Exceptional Children Conference.

Kohl's nanotech designs were in the book, 'Intersections of Art, Technology, Science & Culture' by Steve Wilson. Articles with art in Crawling Tunes Mag and BudzusHammer Mag. One of his 'Ajoun' series was at the Michigan Govenor's mansion for a year-long exhibit.

He has shown in over 30 museums and galleries; he teaches electronic music and DJ-ing skills at The Art Cafe' in Davison.

General Information

⚠️ This artist is likely inactive on SITO. The last time they did anything here was 2010-01-10.
If they have given an email address, it may be out-of-date and invalid. ⚠️


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LANGUAGE: None set (will use English)

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: "Full" - Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.

COPYRIGHT NOTE: Copyright may vary from project to project or image to image, even for one artist. Please verify the copyright in each specific instance before using ANY artwork from SITO.

SITO Artchive

Kurt Kohl has 66 works total in the Artchive. They are organized into tag categories you see listed below. Some works appear in multiple categories.

illustration: 29graphic: 19bando: 17wax: 15bishop: 15remote viewing: 12psi-image: 12scifi: 10pixel: 10dream: 10delphic: 10photomanip: 9imagik: 8drypoint: 8comic: 8landscape: 7fantasy: 7Scrying: 7Graffittiesque: 7painting: 6mindwork: 5raytrace: 4collage: 4abstract: 4photo: 3animation: 3animal: 3portrait: 2flora: 2drawing: 2trance-dimensional: 1spacewarn: 1sculpture: 1sci-fi: 1redbook: 1redair: 1primer: 1plato: 1opres: 1mindworks: 1methane: 1hipas: 1haarp: 1disco: 1dc-x1: 1cthulu: 1cammic: 1boss: 1bime: 1DX-41: 11100011: 1

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