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Sam Laundon


Many of my photographs are in both public and private collection, as you can see by checking out my resume below.


Photography has never been just a profession for me, but more like a way of life. I have never been interested in photography only because of the technical equipment necessary to perform it, although I do need to know quite a bit of technical jargon to do it properly. It has always been the subject matter that has attracted me first and foremost. No matter what life's experience is, I can always find a way to experience it photographically. Because of this I have been able to choose subjects that not only interest me, but challenge me visually and emotionally. (statement continues after credits)

When people ask me the standard question, "what kind of photography do you do?", I am always somewhat stumped as to how to answer their question in an honest way. I can list all of the subjects I have worked with: Landscapes, Cityscapes, Architecture, Portraits, Nudes, Candid photographs of people on the street, Still Life, Dance, and Abstract. For me it is not really important what I photograph, but rather how I approach and work with the subject. Each new subject requires careful study: first technically, to understand how I am going to get the subject on film; and then emotionally, to find the essence of the subject. Finally, I always allow room for the serendipitous mistakes in technique and vision that open new horizons of unseen and un-thought-of possibilities.

The equipment I used is dictated by the subject I am working with. If fast spontaneity is required then I work with 35mm equipment. With landscapes and architecture, the 4x5 camera is the most appropriate because the large negative helps me capture the smooth gradations of tones and colors in these scenes and the camera movements correct for distortion and record unlimited depth of field. Portrait work requires a medium format camera for rendering the subtitles of skin tone. The 6x7 camera allows me to capture these tones and till be able to work quickly enough to catch the decisive moment.

My studio is in downtown Waltham, Massachusetts (near Boston), in a historic mill complex that is now filled with artists. I have been a photographer for over twenty years and have been honored by a number of awards for my work. Freelancing, commissions, print sales, teaching and portrait work have been the various ways I have earned a living doing what I love to do. As I continue to work and learn, new horizons are always opening for me, revealing insights that I never knew existed.

General Information

⚠️ This artist is likely inactive on SITO. The last time they did anything here was 2000-06-16.
If they have given an email address, it may be out-of-date and invalid. ⚠️


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LANGUAGE: None set (will use English)

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: "Artist Custom #1" - These photographs can be used for on screen use only. All images are copyrighted by © A. Samuel Laundon. Prints may be purchased for display purposes by contacting Sam Laundon. Any other use of the photographs would have to be negotiated.

COPYRIGHT NOTE: Copyright may vary from project to project or image to image, even for one artist. Please verify the copyright in each specific instance before using ANY artwork from SITO.

SITO Artchive

Sam Laundon has 14 works total in the Artchive. They are organized into tag categories you see listed below. Some works appear in multiple categories.

photo: 12portrait: 4photomanip: 2flora: 2landscape: 1

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