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Lile Elam


Check out my WWW homepage on ART.NET.

I am a artist making a living as a Unix Sysadmin at Sun Microsystems. I started doing art when I was 6 years old. In 1990, I really began taking my art seriously and started painting in watercolors feverishly. During a six month period, I painted about 100 pieces in water color. Most of my paintings are abstracts.

Just recently I have obtained studio space in an old abondoned police station in Redwood City Ca and have been painting in oils on large canvases. I enjoy being able to have large paint surfaces though oils take alot longer to dry and have a more intense smell. I hope to have some of my new works scanned in before too long.

One of my main goals is to help artist get their work on the internet. I hope to interest my fellow artist at the co-op into scanning their works in. I would also like to help them learn how to interface with the net and how to contact other artists on the net.


I painted the sun.gif using water colors (wet on dry). It's 22"x30"
and it pretty neat.

The smash-your-tv gif was of a mixed median using crayons for the 
intense color. This was then washed with black water color paint.

This directory contains gif files that are images of fine-art.  
The main goal of having this space is to facilitate the 
sharing of fine-art between artists and other interested parties.

You may share this art with others with the only constraint
that you include this header with the GIF file. Consider 
it as share art or free art. The artist is myself, Lile Elam.

beach.gif = colorful sun's rays sway in breeze of cosmos
	I love this description. :)   This painting is actually
	about 9.5" x 7" and is a watercolor that I actually
	painted while on the San Gregorial beach just south
	of Half Moon Bay, Ca. It was painted during the spring
	early summer of 1991.

blue.gif =  textured abstract, a pane of watercolored blue
	This watercolor painting was painted during one of my
	painting fevers. The night I painted it, I also painted
	63 other paintings. They were all very fast and fun. I
	was up all night. :)  The size is about 4"x6". I placed this
	painting outside the next day and it started raining. hence,
	the spotty texture. This painting was part of a blue series.

blueflower = Blue' flower's petals radiate inward
	This image is a watercolor painting that was scanned in.
	I reversed the pixel color so that the image is just the 
	opposite of the orignial where the flower is actually
	yellow and the surounding color is blue. This painting
	is 14"x17" and was painted in 1991.
field.gif = abstract texture, reminding of sky and meadow
	This is a watercolor abstract that reminds me of Parsons
	Bald (which is a mountain top in the smokies). It is
	about 7"x9.5" and was painting using a wet on wet technique.
	I painted this some time ago, probably in the mid 1980's.

sea_urch.gif = seafloor forms ripple with own life
	I love this one too. :) This is a mixed media painting
	which uses crayons and black watercolor washes.  It is
	about 14"x11" and was painted in the late 1980's. For me,
	it looks like sea urchens or beings from another planet
	that are just hanging out on a beach shore somewhere.

smash-your-tv.gif: shattering geometry above organicals
	This is a mixed media painting that also uses crayons and
	black watercolor washes. It is about 17"x14" and was painted in 
	the late 1980's. This scanned image is not the complete
	picture as I scanned the picture directly and it was too big for 
	the scanner. I hope to someday have a complete scan made.
	The image reminds me of a cool round body/being sitting 
	in front of a smashed purple/hotpink tv. The sun is trying to
	warm the body back to life. The warm and cool colors tell 
	part of this tale.

wizard.gif: winds of the universe swirl around mello-spheres
	This is a watercolor painting that was painted using wet
	paint on dry paper. It is about18"x 24" and was painted on
	new years eve 1990. I finished it just as the ball droped and
	the year turned to 1991. For me, I see an actual wizard
	in this picture. It is quite abstract but if you look at
	the picture as a whole, you might see it. The image is the face
	of a court jesture with paint on his/her face. S/he has a goate
	for a beard and there are clowns ruffles at the base of his/her
	neck. An image of the sun is in the upper left hand corner.
	The wizard also has a red and blue third eye. Sort of reminds
	me of shakespere.  But I think I like your desccription better. :)

sun.gif: owing it all to the sun, life spirals into it
	THis is one of my favorites. It is a watercolor painting
	and was painted using a wet paint on dry paper technique.
	I kept the colors separated by white paper so as to have more 
	control over the paint. This picture was painted in 3 hours
	in the early morning hours of summer solstice 1991. I awoke 
	from a dream of this image and emediately started painting it. 
	It is 22"x30".

	For me this painting represents the gathering of fragmented
	parts and the coming together as a whole, beautiful powerful force
	that is life itself. Life's energies then spiral from the

General Information

⚠️ This artist is likely inactive on SITO. The last time they did anything here was 2000-03-28.
If they have given an email address, it may be out-of-date and invalid. ⚠️


EMAIL: Click here to send this artist an email

MESSAGE BOARD: Read archived comments about this artist (3 postings)


LANGUAGE: None set (will use English)

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: "Full" - Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.

COPYRIGHT NOTE: Copyright may vary from project to project or image to image, even for one artist. Please verify the copyright in each specific instance before using ANY artwork from SITO.

SITO Artchive

Lile Elam has 8 works total in the Artchive. They are organized into tag categories you see listed below. Some works appear in multiple categories.

painting: 8

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