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Tim M. McAninch

The Meaning of Life and other cool stuff.

In Voltaire's "Candide", He goes off to work in the garden. In the garden we can nurture, grow, and make this world more beautiful because of our presence. The magnificence of creation is displayed by the billions of connected systems and micro organisms that make the garden grow. It is so complex that it will make your head spin but I think van Morrison sums it up when he sings "No guru, no method, no teacher, just you and I and nature and the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost, in the Garden, wet with rain." Let your Life, Love Joy and Beauty continue to rain upon us.
Born - 1959 Offit Air Force Base, Omaha Nebraska
Favorite places
- Tucson Arizona So cool growing up with B52s in the back yard. So many colours of light and shadow moving across the sand.
- California Not just the coast but also the Redwood forests and Yosemite.
- Italy I love the whole atmosphere of history from Renaissance paintings to bullet holes in the buildings from WW2. Such great food and wine. Its where I made many parachute jumps and learned to ski. Getting lost and climbing up buildings in Venice was also great fun.
- Iowa I came to love Iowa when I went to University. It is a great place to learn. Winters can be a crystal wonderland but it is spring that I love most. It is where I met my wife, an awesome woman of God, and where our first child was born.
- New Zealand I came here because of a dream in answer to a prayer. There are places here that make you feel as if you are in the garden of Eden.
Bachelor of Fine Arts and Teacher Certification from the University of Northern Iowa 1987. Highest Honors (Magna Cum Laude) and Old Gold Award.
Teaching Experience
- 1987 to 1990 Lesterville R4, Lesterville Missouri
- 1990 to 2001 St. Peter's College, Palmerston North, New Zealand
- 2002 to 2004 Aorere College, Papatoetoe, New Zealand
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LOCATION: New Zealand

LANGUAGE: None set (will use English)

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: "Full" - Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.

COPYRIGHT NOTE: Copyright may vary from project to project or image to image, even for one artist. Please verify the copyright in each specific instance before using ANY artwork from SITO.

SITO Artchive

Tim M. McAninch has 193 works total in the Artchive. They are organized into tag categories you see listed below. Some works appear in multiple categories.

painting: 82flora: 52abstract: 35landscape: 31Biblical: 21illustration: 20flowers: 20drawing: 20humanbody: 19Fruit: 17collage: 16animal: 16photo: 15pixel: 14animation: 13portrait: 12fantasy: 11sculpture: 10Maori: 10Cubism: 9Citrus: 9stilllife: 8photomanip: 5Celtic: 5graphic: 4comic: 4Zealand: 4watercolor: 3mcaninch: 3New Zealand: 3Manawatu: 3water: 2nature: 2landscape.: 2gorge: 2figurative: 2figurative: 2fall: 2fall: 2etching: 2Food Art: 2universe: 1stream: 1secret: 1reflection: 1rangitikei: 1palms: 1palmerston: 1new: 1multi media: 1mask: 1light: 1island: 1featherston: 1dream: 1demonstration: 1bush: 1bokeh: 1blue: 1blessing: 1bay: 1automata: 1architecture: 1apple: 1acrylic.: 1Time Machine: 1Palmerston North: 1Orchid: 1Onions. Layers: 1Freesia: 1Fern: 1Emmaus: 1Advertisement: 1

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Most recent is Sanitarium - MarmArt from 2005/12/11