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Although I took some college art courses, I have to admit the best drawing teacher I had (And have yet to see better!) came to me over the tv in the form of a public broadcasting drawing program hosted by a former Disney animator, Bruce McIntyre. I can't speak about my own cartooning without mentioning the talents of this man and his wonderful and thoroughly planned tv program which taught me - - and many others -- the fundamentals of drawing. Also a big aid in launching my career was George Hartman's Cartoon World newsletter which taught me the fundamental basics of the magazine cartoon business. Both of these men have launched many a successful career and many professional artists, cartoonists, draftsmen, architects, commercial artists, graphic designers, etc. owe a debt of gratitude to them. They were, and in my opinion, they remain, the BEST of the BEST.

Ever since I started cartooning,I've sold cartoons on just about every subject to a wide variety of trade and general pubications including Saturday Review, New Woman, Modern Medicine, Writer's Digest,Datamation, Phi Delta Kappan, Florist, Research and Development, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, Sierra Club Bulletin, Humane Society, Environment, Sales and Marketing Management, Leatherneck, Conservation News, Military Market, Computerworld, American Dental Association, Wallace's Farmer, Marking Industry, American Fitness, California Restauranteur, Paraplegia News, Physician's Management, Library Journal,Current Energy and Ecology, Personnel Journal, Iowa Music Educator, Living Alternatives, Supervisory Management, Video Marketplace, Cross Country News, Building Briefs,Computerworld, Graphics Design, Accent on Living, Church Musician, Fantasy Newsletter, etc., etc., as well as a number of greeting card publishers, small and large business advertisers and a number of book publishing companies.

I think a well-slanted, funny cartoon can add a light touch to just about ANY subject for just about ANY purpose whether it be advertsing, education, or entertainment. Heck, I even used to do a monthly cartoon feature for Mortuary Management Magazine. Hear the one about the Mortician who sold his mother-in-law a coffin at half-price?

General Information

⚠️ This artist is likely inactive on SITO. The last time they did anything here was 2004-09-30.
If they have given an email address, it may be out-of-date and invalid. ⚠️

(flag)MESSAGE BOARD: Read archived comments about this artist (5 postings)

LOCATION: United States

LANGUAGE: None set (will use English)

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: "Full" - Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.

COPYRIGHT NOTE: Copyright may vary from project to project or image to image, even for one artist. Please verify the copyright in each specific instance before using ANY artwork from SITO.

SITO Artchive

Kim has 13 works total in the Artchive. They are organized into tag categories you see listed below. Some works appear in multiple categories.

comic: 13drawing: 8

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