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A picture of the merry Moose Moose Personal Information

I've been a keen photographer and computer geek for several years, but only in the last couple of years have I had the resources to combine these interests. All of my recent work has had a strong organic/photographic bias - I've found that any overtly 'computerised' aspects provoke cries of 'That's not art, that's maths'.

I do very little for my own amusement alone; usually there is a tape cover or poster as the driving force. This is mainly because I want people to see the final result, and before I found the SITO archives this meant wrapping my work around some other product.

I currently work for a large printer manufacturer. This has the advantage of providing me with beautiful colour printers which are just crying out for complex test-cases to be run through them.

Image Information

I have sized all of the images down to a height of 440 pixels. This means that they are a convenient size for downloading (~100K), and are still presentable on-screen. I chose 440 specifically to look good on a PC with a 1Mb graphics card; the ability to display 640x480 with 24-bit colour isn't uncommon. If anyone is particularly taken with a specific image, I can provide it at a higher resolution. Please write to me if you want to use any of these pictures, I'll probably say 'go ahead, be my guest'.

Some of these images were designed as covers for amateur bands' demo tapes, and build on the themes explored in the music. I'm currently looking into ways of making the songs and lyrics available on the net, and when that happens I'll include links on this page so that one can download the whole package. On their own, the pictures may be a trifle obscure.

Technical Information

All of the images presented here started life inside my Canon EOS 600. Of the lenses I own, it is only the 24mm that I couldn't live without. I used to use Kodak T-Max 400 as my main film, but since I moved over from a chemical to a digital darkroom, I've made increasing use of Kodachrome 25. (Colour printing is too time-consuming in a conventional darkroom for the type of work I am interested in.)

I keep all of my raw images on Kodak photo-CD (perhaps I should get Kodak to sponsor this web page). Whereas I used to do my own printing in a college darkroom, I now suck the images into my PC for creating the final picture. (486dx266, 12x12 inch digitiser tablet, 2Mb SVGA card, 20Mb main memory, Ventura PicturePro, for those who are interested.)

Some of the images available here are more or less straight photographs, others have been extensively fiddled about with. All have had at least a small amount of retouching.

Image Directory

RockFace RockFace

Photo-montage in the style of a bas-relief / cave painting. Cover of a demo tape entitled Underground. Moose 1995

The following four pictures, while they stand alone as interesting images, were originally composed to be viewed side by side in the order presented here.
World Will Turn World Will Turn

Photo-montage for a song of the same name. Panel One of a demo tape entitled Frame by Frame. Moose 1994

Pride Pride

Lightly manipulated photo for a song of the same name. Panel Two of a demo tape entitled Frame by Frame. Moose 1994

Seven Days Seven Days

Photo-montage for a song of the same name. Panel Three of a demo tape entitled Frame by Frame. Moose 1994

Like Me Like Me

Photo-montage for a song of the same name. Panel Four of a demo tape entitled Frame by Frame. Moose 1994

Anchor Anchor

Straight photograph of a bay with an anchor. Moose 1994

Jetty jetty

Straight photograph of a jetty and a boat. Moose 1994

Parasail Parasail

Straight photograph of a boat towing a parachute. Moose 1994

Tree Tree

Straight photograph of a tree. Moose 1991

General Information

⚠️ This artist is likely inactive on SITO. The last time they did anything here was 2000-06-16.
If they have given an email address, it may be out-of-date and invalid. ⚠️

EMAIL: Click here to send this artist an email

MESSAGE BOARD: Read archived comments about this artist (6 postings)


LANGUAGE: None set (will use English)

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: "Full" - Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.

COPYRIGHT NOTE: Copyright may vary from project to project or image to image, even for one artist. Please verify the copyright in each specific instance before using ANY artwork from SITO.

SITO Artchive

Moose has 9 works total in the Artchive. They are organized into tag categories you see listed below. Some works appear in multiple categories.

photo: 5photomanip: 4cover: 2collage: 2pixel: 1flora: 1

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