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maximin lida

Maximin Lida or MHD .59 from Studio 68 brings a sense of versatility about his work from the Metamorphosis chairs collection, hand painted eclectic clock, Japanese lacquered surfboard, contemporary glassware, or Oil painting from minimalism to a more complex actual vision. Artistically gifted, Maximin Lida has mostly sold his work to the private collector or for special projects until now. Graphic Designer and photographer as well, his philosophy applies to a non-conformist style giving freedom to expression and quality rather than to commercial demand.

General Information

⚠️ This artist is likely inactive on SITO. The last time they did anything here was 2007-08-12.
If they have given an email address, it may be out-of-date and invalid. ⚠️


EMAIL: Click here to send this artist an email

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LOCATION: United States


COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: "Full" - Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.

COPYRIGHT NOTE: Copyright may vary from project to project or image to image, even for one artist. Please verify the copyright in each specific instance before using ANY artwork from SITO.

SITO Artchive

maximin lida has 18 works total in the Artchive. They are organized into tag categories you see listed below. Some works appear in multiple categories.

world: 16woman: 16war: 16wall: 16vintage: 16unique: 16tree: 16surrealist: 16surf: 16sport: 16spiritual: 16special: 16sexy: 16samurai: 16room: 16religion: 16red: 16red: 16rare: 16quality: 16pop art: 16political: 16poem: 16photo: 16painting: 16old: 16ocean: 16nude: 16new: 16nature: 16naive: 16museum: 16mix: 16metal: 16love: 16love: 16love: 16love: 16london: 16latino: 16latin: 16large: 16karma: 16japanese: 16japan: 16house: 16horse: 16girl: 16gift: 16geisha: 16gallery: 16french: 16food: 16floral: 16flag: 16fish: 16fine art: 16exposition: 16expensive: 16european: 16dog: 16dog: 16dog: 16dog: 16dog: 16dog: 16different: 16designer: 16deep: 16dark: 16custom: 16creative: 16contemporary: 16colorful: 16collectible: 16clock: 16classic: 16cirque: 16cinema: 16church: 16cat: 16butterfly: 16black: 16beach: 16asian: 16architecture: 16animals: 16animal: 16american: 16america: 16abstract: 16abstract: 16abstract: 16Fruit: 16Flower: 16Christ: 16California: 16CHARLES: 16BUKOWSKI: 162007: 16museum: 15exposition: 15collectible: 15

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