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Michael Schultes

from the book. "the body": Michael Schultes (born 1954) is one of Germany's leading contemporary photographers. Among his recent work is an exploration of the visual universe dealing with pure naked beauty and imagination. “We all like to fantasize, and what you cannot see or feel can often be more exiting when it is left to your imagination. The sexuality of a photograph has more to do with the photographers vision and the viewers fantasy than with what the model is wearing – or not.” Michael Schultes had just turned 27 when he discovered two very important qualities which have a central influence on his work: “I find the body beautiful. Its form is ever changing, every body is able to provoke different reactions. The challenge for me is making photographs that reveal the body without totally exposing it.” And on the other side he corroborates his doubtlessly elegant and dramatic photography by a hardly noticeable constructive framework. “The camera empowers you to be intimate with the lens, sometimes in a way that may not be possible with another human. The lens is an eye that you can always trust, but not always control.” .......................................................... Vita: Date of birth: Dec., 19th, 1954 Place of birth: Landshut, Germany Current adress: Hauptstr. 33, 55270 Engelstadt, Germany Familiy status: married, one daughter Laura (no cats) School education: 1961 - 1976 elemantary school, high school education in Germany with exam „Abitur“ (high school diploma) 1976 - 1977 conscientious objector conscripted to do community work at Red Cross, Germany Professional training: 1978 - 1979 education to become an advertising photographer at Wilsmann studios, Wiesbaden, Germany 1979 - 1981 assistent photographer at Diefenbach Studios, Wiesbaden/Hamburg, Germany Since 1981 freelance photographer for fine art, advertising and editorial

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Michael Schultes has 7 works total in the Artchive. They are organized into tag categories you see listed below. Some works appear in multiple categories.

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