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shafique farooqi

1942 Born in Sialkot. Pakistan 1966 Diploma in Graphic Art 1968 Certificate in Drawing and Paintings 1997 Master in Fine Art 40 Years Art Teaching and Practical Experience Preasently working in Interior Design Department of Ajman University, in UAE 80 Solo Shows in country and abroad Participated more then 85 group exhibition in USA, England, Saudi Arabia, Germany Egypt, Sudan, France, Canada, Holland, Turkey, India, Iran,’ Iraq, and National Exhibitions in Pakistan. 20 awards and 15 honors fron country and abroad ............................................................... The Creative Qualities, skillful handling of media, intellectual response to the technique are the salient features of Shafique Farooqui‘s paintings. Creation of new worlds, with or without familiar objects, is a valuable and visual experience. His continues progress and struggle in various fields academic studies from landscape to Journey of lines, Colors, Shapes and lines are arranged on Canvas in a vibrant composition. The shapes suggest drama and movement by creating sense of space, while the lines gives the dynamic force and rhythm, like Paul Klea. Taking a line for a walk is Farooqi‘s unique style. He is going to have a great influence on the new generation of the Artist. Shah Nawaz Chief Artist PTBB ........................................ALIVE- ‘‘Having life ‘‘ not dead or inanimate; still in existence, force, operation; active; knowing or realizing the exisstence of; sensitive; marked by alertness and activity The above is Webster’s definition of a word, while at the same time, for me, it is about the most accurate way I can think to describe a man, SHAFIQUE FAROOQI is truly, alive. Whether this quality causes him to be an artist or whether being an artist deeps him "ALIVE’’ I know not. I do know that it is a rare privilege to spend time in the company of such a man of the countless ways the creativeness, talent and life within him chooses OT show itself, his art; the calligraphic paintings, watercolors and his land scopes, seems to do it strikingly. From the movement of his brush strokes to the range and variety of moods created by the choice of colors, one has to life by doing so. It is this city’s distinct honor to have, even for a brief period, the work of so gifted a man in its midst. (Harry L Johnson Chairman, DC Slide Registry, Washington Dc May, 1995) --------------------------------------------

General Information

⚠️ This artist is likely inactive on SITO. The last time they did anything here was 2006-10-11.
If they have given an email address, it may be out-of-date and invalid. ⚠️

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