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Stephen Shires


I joined 'CT6', Herne Bay Contemporary Art Group in 2001 and exhibited with them at the Bay Art Gallery in November 2002. After this I participated in another exhibition by CT6,'An Alternative view of Herne Bay' which concluded on May 25th, 2003 (showing my 'Sea Alley, Herne Bay'). There was a well-attended private view on April 4th. Our exhibition, 'Inspired', was at Herne Bay Museum and included my 'Rudiments of Wireless Reception'(posted to my installations list), ended on November 22nd. I also had another installation, 'The Bender' (aka 'Time Contractor'), on show until 6th November, as an exhibit with an associated design in the 'Design a Time Machine' exhibition in the Chromos Gallery, Canterbury.

CT6 then presented an exhibition at Herne Bay Library, from 24th July to 4th September 2004, called 'Parallels'. I also showed two paintings in their 'Tombola' exhibition, 1st to 14th December 2004. In 2005, my painting 'The Fifth Dimension', which features the passage of an unpolarized electromagnetic wave through space with colour coded dimensions and 2D particle tracks, appeared in the Group's exhibition 'Exchange' at the Bay Art Gallery (B.A.G.). Samples of my drawings featured in 'The Big Draw', CT6's contribution to National Drawing Week, I had a painting on show in our 'Narnia' exhibition (concluded 18th Dec 2005), as well as the 'Significant Others' exhibition (concluded 19th February 2006) both of these being held at the B.A.G. I had four paintings on show in the Colour Group 2006 exhibition at the Institute of Physics (private view 5th April). which concluded on 28th April. My last solo exhibition, 'Pastiche', ran from 1st June to 11th June, at the B.A.G. It featured 13 paintings selected from from those based on work by other (earlier) artists which appear on my Artchive page. I exhibited an installation, 'Motion from Light' that utilises the rotation of a solar radiometer to produce motion outside the globe, as part of an exhibition, 'Carnival', from 9th to 18th August 2007.

From 10th to 16th August 2009 I featured in the 'Festivities' exhibition in the B.A.G., as a member of the CT6 group.

I had two paintings on show in CT6's 'Art & Artefacts' exhibition, in Herne Bay Museum from Sept 2nd - 11th 2010 and had two in Alturnertive's 'Neither Use Nor Ornament' show of kitsch art at the Herbert Read Gallery at the UCA art college in Canterbury 22th to 29th July '10. I also had 5 entries in the RED show at the B.A.G. from 22nd to 29th August,'10. I then had three paintings in Ramsgate Arts' Art<50 exhibition of 11th - 12th December. From 13th - 29th August I had three paintings in the SeaART2011 show at the Belgian Cafe and two in the 'Summer Squall' exhibition, at Archway 20, from 26th - 29th August, both being in Ramsgate. Currently (22/12/2012) I have a painting ('Ball under a Colonnade', after Watteau) in an exhibition at the King's Hall Gallery and another at Beach House, in Herne Bay. I have produced 10 videos about 7 art installations that involve motion, usually automated, and demonstraring the effect of rotating magnetic fields upon light.


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⚠️ This artist is likely inactive on SITO. The last time they did anything here was 2013-09-23.
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LOCATION: United Kingdom

LANGUAGE: None set (will use English)

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: "Full" - Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.

COPYRIGHT NOTE: Copyright may vary from project to project or image to image, even for one artist. Please verify the copyright in each specific instance before using ANY artwork from SITO.

SITO Artchive

Stephen Shires has 398 works total in the Artchive. They are organized into tag categories you see listed below. Some works appear in multiple categories.

painting: 82landscape: 67abstract: 46drawing: 36portrait: 34illustration: 23fantasy: 21photo: 20stilllife: 14installation: 14humanbody: 13architecture: 11dream: 10iris: 1execute: 1collage: 1animal: 1Sewell: 1Rowlandson.: 1Rowlandson: 1Laura Sandys: 1Emin: 1

Synergy Collaborative Art Projects

Gridcosm Gridcosm Recent levels:

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Total: 1 levels, 1 pieces = 0.00 hogfactor

hogfactor is a measure of how many pieces made per level. Value ranges from 0.0 (generous) to 1.0 (total hog). Under 0.25 is friendly.
Fh = ((P / L) - 1) / 7

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