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Bitty Ybiss

the spaghetti device has 2 inputs and 16 outputs. its main function is to take audio from the 2 inputs and distribute it to the 16 outputs one at a time. there are cool red LEDs on the top of the device that track which of the 16 outputs is currently connected to the inputs. the original idea was to have a large number of speakers spread out in a space and to use the spaghetti device to make the sound move though the space. the speed of the movement is controlled by the large yellow dial. there are also a number of switches that allow you to increase/decrease the number of outputs actually used and to switch from stereo input to mono. another neat thing is that the spaghetti device can be used backwards - it can take up to 16 inputs and switch them to 2 outputs. so, for instance, 16 people could be speaking a text and the spaghetti device could switch between them very rapidly. strange things happened the last time i tried to turn on the spaghetti device, so now it mostly just sits around looking funny. I am not a psychiatrist or psychoanalyst.

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⚠️ This artist is likely inactive on SITO. The last time they did anything here was 2006-03-29.
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LOCATION: United States


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Synergy Collaborative Art Projects

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Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.

Gridcosm Gridcosm Recent levels:

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Total: 13 levels, 26 pieces = 0.14 hogfactor

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Fh = ((P / L) - 1) / 7

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