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Wangdabao Íõ´ó±£

WANGDABAO, born in June 1935, is a painter from binhai, jiangsu province. Photographer, digital artist and micro video producer. In his early years, he studied in East China Branch of Central Academy of Fine Arts. After studying computer art in television university, he worked in propaganda and culture department. Participated in large-scale thematic art creation exhibitions in China. Later, he worked as an art editor and photojournalist in Zhejiang Legal Newspaper. He is a member of Chinese Artists Association, Member of China Book Ticket Research Association, member of Zhejiang Artists Association, member of Zhejiang Printmakers Association, member of Zhejiang Cartoonists Association, director editor of Zhejiang Legal News Office [senior title] Íõ´ó±£, £¨Ãû£ºÍõ´ó±¦ WANGDABAO£© 1935Äê6Ô³öÉú ,½­ËÕ±õº£ÈË£¬ »­¼Ò.ÉãÓ°¼Ò.Êý×ÖÒÕÊõ¼Ò¡¢Î¢ÊÓƵÖÆ×÷Õß ¡£ÔçÄê¾ÍѧÓÚÖÐÑëÃÀÊõѧԺ»ª¶«·ÖÔº. ºóÔÚµçÊÓ´óѧÑÐÏ°µçÄÔÃÀÊõ,ÔøÔÚÐû´«¡¢ÎÄ»¯²¿ÃÅ´ÓÊÂÃÀÊõ´´×÷¡£Ôø²ÎÓë¹úÄÚ´óÐÍרÌâÃÀÊõ´´×÷Õ¹ÀÀ»î¶¯¡£Ö®ºóÔÚÕã½­·¨ÖƱ¨Éç´Óʱ¨Ö½ÃÀÊõ±à¼­ºÍÉãÓ°¼ÇÕß¡£ ËûÊÇÖйúÃÀÊõ¼ÒЭ»á»áÔ±¡¢Öйú²ØÊéƱÑо¿»á»áÔ±¡¢Õã½­Ê¡ÃÀÊõ¼ÒЭ»á»áÔ±¡¢Õã½­Ê¡°æ»­¼ÒЭ»á»áÔ±¡¢Õã½­Ê¡Âþ»­¼ÒЭ»á»áÔ±¡¢Õã½­·¨ÖƱ¨ÉçÖ÷Èα༭£¨¸ß¼¶Ö°³Æ£©

General Information

HOMEPAGE: profile/index&uid 23243228

MESSAGE BOARD: Read archived comments about this artist (30 postings)


COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: "Full" - Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.

COPYRIGHT NOTE: Copyright may vary from project to project or image to image, even for one artist. Please verify the copyright in each specific instance before using ANY artwork from SITO.

SITO Artchive

Wangdabao Íõ´ó±£ has 206 works total in the Artchive. They are organized into tag categories you see listed below. Some works appear in multiple categories.

photo: 61photorealism: 27photomanip: 14drawing: 14ÊÖ»æ: 7painting: 7graphic: 6collage: 5landscape: 4abstract: 4ͼÏñ £¬×°ÊÎ £¬»æ»­: 3illustration: 3flora: 3fantasy: 3ÊÖ»æ²å»­: 2publication: 2performance: 2Hubei Enshi Grand Canyon stone scenery entrance: 2çÍ·×µÄ ÅÝÅÝ: 1×òÍí £¬Ñæ»ð£¬ ±ÞÅÚ£¬ÄÖÔªÏü: 1Õã½­ £¬Óæɽµº £¬Íâ¾° £¬¡¾Ë®·Û»­ £¬Ð´Éú¡¿: 1Õ¤ ÆÁ·ç Grid screen: 1ÔÚ½­Î÷: 1ÔËºÓ±ß µñËÜ Ó뻨´Ô Sculptures and flowers along the canal: 1ÔËºÓ ºÓÅÏ Canal bank: 1ÔÆÄϲɷç: 1Ô¼¾»¨¿ªºìÑÞÑÞ w: 1Ô¼¾ »¨¿ª Chinese rose flower open: 1Ô¼¾ »¨ Chinese rose: 1ÏÊÄÛµÄ Ìð¹Ï µ¹Ó°: 1ÎÒ°® ´óº£ ³±ÕÇ ³±Âä: 1Íõ´ó±¦ ¿¨Í¨ ±êÇ©: 1Íõ´ó±£ Ìì½ò¸ßÐÂÇø ÁôÓ°: 1Íõ´ó±£ Âþ»­ ͼƬ ±êÇ©_Wang_Dabao_cartoon_pi.jpg: 1Íõ´ó±£ 2020Äê ÔÚÃÀ¹ú ÂÃÓÎ ÉãÓ° Óαù³Ç: 1ÉçÇø Ó­´º Äêζ Community flavor of spring: 1ÉÏÌÁºÓµÄ¡¡£¬°øÍí¡¡£¬Ð¡¾°: 1ÉÏÌÁºÓ¡¡£¬·ç¾°¡¡£¬×ÔÈ»¡¡£¬¾°É«ÃÀ: 1ÉÏÌÁºÓ £¬ÏÂÎç £¬Ñô¹â £¬ÈÕÕÕ£¬¾°¸üÃÀ: 1ɽÎ÷ Ðü¿ÕË Èëɽ¿Ú Shanxi xuankong temple into the mountain pas: 1ɽÎ÷ Ðü¿ÕË Xuankong temple in shanxi: 1ɽÀïºì »¨¿ª ÑÞÑÞ The mountains are in full bloom: 1ÇïÌì £¬Õâºì¹û×Ó£¬ »¨¶ù£¬ ¿ªµÃÑÞ: 1ÇÅÀ¸ÆÆËéÔ¹Éù½ô: 1ǽ±ÚÉÏ £¬Ê¢¿ªµÄ£¬ Ô¼¾»¨: 1ǧҶÌÒ»¨ £¬Ê¤°Ù»¨: 1ÄϾ© £¬ÎÔ·ðË £¬·ðÏà £¬É¨Ãè: 1ÃÀÀöµÄ¡¡£¬Å®º¢¡¡£¬³äÂúÏ£ÍûµÄ¡¡£¬Ô¶Íû: 1ÃÀÀöµÄ ɽÏç ϪˮÅÏ: 1ÃÀ¾° ÃÀÈç»­: 1ÃÀ¹ú ÃÀÀöµÄ ɽ¾°: 1ÃÀ¹ú »Æʯ¹ú¼Ò¹«Ô° µØÈÈÅçȪ Å緢׳¹Û: 1Âþ»­ Ä£°å: 1ÁôÓ°: 1ÁÖÖÐ £¬Äñ¶ù £¬Ï²»¶ £¬·ÉÏè: 1¾®¸Úɽ: 1½Û ºì»¨ The orange flower: 1½£Êh»¨¶ù £¬°×ÓÖÃÀ: 1¼¦¹Ú »¨ cockscomb: 1»Æɽ £¬·É¸ë £¬¾°¸üÃÀ: 1»Æ»¨ ÌØд Ò²ºÜÃÀ Yellow flower close-up is also beautiful: 1»¨¶ù ¶ä¶ä ºì The flowers are all red: 1»¨ »¨ »¨ Flowers: 1ºþ±ß »¨ The lake flowers: 1ºìÉ«¸ïÃü: 1ºì»¨ £¬¶ä¶ä £¬ÏòÑô¿ª: 1ºì»¨: 1ºÃ ºì»¨ Good red: 1º¼ÖÝ£¬³¯êÍ£¬ÉÏÌÁºÓ£¬ÐÂʱ´ú£¬½¨Éè £¬Ê©¹¤ £¬äêǬÀ¤: 1º¼ÖÝ£¬ ³¯êÍ £¬ÉÏÌÁºÓ£¬ ×ÔÈ»¾°: 1º¼ÖÝ-£¬·ï»Ëͤǰ£¬ºÓµÀ£¬ÅÅË®‰Î: 1º¼ÖÝ ´ó¹Ø¹«Ô° Ô¼¾»¨Õ¹ ɨÃè: 1¹ãÖÝ ³¤Â¡ öùÓ㹫԰ öùÓã³Ø: 1¹ãÎ÷ ÓÑÒê¹Ø ¹Å´ú Ö®¹Ø¿Ú Guangxi friendship of the ancient pass: 1¸ù¾ÝµØ: 1·ç¾° £¬Õâ±ß¶ÀºÃ: 1¶÷Ê© ´óÏ¿¹È ÌÚÁú¶´ÄÚ ¼¤¹â ÒÕÊõ±íÑÝ: 1¶÷Ê© ´óÏ¿¹È ɽʯ ·ç¹â Enshi grand canyon rock scenery: 1¶¬ÌìµÄ¡¡£¬À°Ã·»¨¶ù¡¡£¬Ê¢¿ª: 1³öǽµÄ »¨»Ü ÃÀÔÚÍâ Flowers grow on the wall: 1³öǽ Èý½Ç÷ The prune comes out of the wall: 1³¯êÍ¡¡£¬ÉÏÌÁºÓ¡¡£¬ÇïÌìµÄ¡¡£¬¾°É«: 1³¯êÍ ÉçÇø Ó­´º ϲÑóÑó The community is celebrating spring: 1²åͼ: 1²å»­: 1±¨Ö½ÊÖ»æ²åͼ: 1±¨Ö½: 1°Í¶« Ò¹ÊÐ ³¡¾° Padang night market scene: 1°Å½¶ »¨ Banana flower: 1wdb ÂÃÓÎ ÉãÓ° ÔÚ̫ƽÑó º£Ê¨ ÆÜÏ¢µØ ÁôÓ° : 1wdb £¬ÔÚ½­Î÷ £¬ºìÉ«¸ïÃü £¬¸ù¾ÝµØ £¬¾®¸Úɽ £¬ÁôÓ°: 1wdb: 1sizes in the park: 1see it: 1m¨¡ m¨¡£¬ teach me£¬as a child£¬Against thetide£¬Practice persev: 1it covers an area of 310 square kilometers There are more than 2: 1hubei province: 1go see it: 1flowers and thousands of flowers are fragrant.: 1flowers: 1enshi: 1birds are still in phase: 1and 43 have collapsed since 1970 due to erosion There is. If you: 1Zhejiang Province: 1Wintertime plum blossoms are in full bloom: 1Wang Dabao s previous paintings Íõ´ó±£ÒÔÇ°»æ»­×÷Æ·: 1Wang Dabao is traveling in Beidaihe: 1Wang Dabao in Jiangxi red base jinggangshan photo: 1Wang Dabao cartoon labelÍõ´ó±£ Âþ»­ ±êÇ©: 1Wang Dabao Tours the Arches National Park in the United States: 1WDÔÚ ÃÀ¹ú¹°ÃÅ ¹ú¼Ò¹«Ô° ÂÃÓÎÉãÓ°: 1WDB practiced in the cavalry company of the public Security Forc: 1WDB Travel photography photographed the Pacific sea lion habitat: 1WD ÔÚÃÀ¹ú ɽµØÂÃÓÎ ÉãӰͼƬ: 1To win the spring is not self-sufficient: 1Tianjin: 1They rode bravely forward on their horses: 1The view is perfect here: 1The residual lotus is really beautiful in summer: 1The red flowers are blossoming into the sun: 1The plum blossom rejoices all over the sky snow: 1The hopeful vision of a beautiful girl: 1The green gardens are beautiful: 1The flowers are in full bloom: 1The cartoon template of Wang Dabao: 1The bridge rails are broken: 1The black swan ºÚÌì¶ì photo: 1The Shangtang River in Hangzhou is a picturesque sceneº¼ÖÝÉÏÌÁºÓ: 1Thailand s coral reefs are picturesque Ì©¹ú ɺº÷½¸: 1Tai Chi Kung Fu Fan Fitness in the morning light next to the str: 1Sword beautiful flower white and beautiful: 1Spring picturesque: 1Small Arches National Park is a Arches National Park in the Unit: 1Shangtang River scenery beautiful natural scenery: 1Shangtang River in the afternoon sunshine sunshine more beautifu: 1Scan of Buddha facies in Nanjing s Wofo Temple: 1Poetic Environment [Impression of Qingshan Lake]Ê«ÑùµÄ»·¾³[Çàɽº: 1Photographic Documentary of Wang Dabao s Travel to Cambodia Íõ: 1Peacock flowers attract love¡¡¿×ȸ»¨ÈÇÈË°®: 1PHOTO His uncle arjangos (digital painting) Ëû´óÊå°¢¶ûºº¸ñ˹ £¨: 1Mountain gas is better day by day: 1It s strange! ? How can they fly underwater??: 1In the spring of 1963: 1Image decoration painting: 1I want to talk to you: 1Huangshan flying pigeon scenery is more beautiful: 1Get up: 1Friendship everlasting (original digital art) ÓÑÇ鳤´æ£¨Ô­´´Êý×: 1Flowers morning sun: 1Fireworks and firecrackers made a Lantern Festival last night: 1Exterior scene of Yushan Island: 1Evening view of Sheung Tong River: 1Door God s Hand Drawing [Spring Festival Door God Painting]: 1Digital art Êý×ÖÃÀÊõ: 1Crocodile pool in Guangzhou Chimelong Crocodile Park: 1Cover [look at the picture in multiple frames: 1Birds in the woods like to fly: 1Autumn scenery of Shangtang River in Zhaohui: 1Autumn hymn of ginkgo forest: 1A thousand leaves of peach blossom are better than a hundred flo: 12834: 12831: 1123 654: 1000 arches of all: 1

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