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Laurelhurst Theater, Portland, Ore.
Created: 2003
By: Shawn Granton / sgr
Creator's Tags: Portland drawing
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Description: Portland has a lot of great old theaters, good fodder for your sketchbook. I've gotten quite enthralled by this city's history, so in the guise of the Urban Adventure League, I've made a bicycle tour that goes to several of the old eastside theaters, which the Laurelhurst is one. Here is the text from the zine that accompanies the ride: "Located at 2735 East Burnside St. Built in 1923, the Laurelhurst was one of the first art-deco styled buildings to grace the City of Roses. It served as a neighborhood cinema throughout the years, but the Cineplex era brought upon the Laurelhurst hard times. In the later twentieth century, the Laurelhurst switched to a B-movie and second-run format, and became the type of theater you didn’t really want to go into. Around 2000 the theater was bought and renovated by the current owners. The single-screen became a four-screen format, and like the Bagdad, the Laurelhurst serves beer and pizza. With a renewed sense of respect, the Laurelhurst has become a community hub again for the surrounding Kerns/Buckman neighborhood and the jumpin’ commercial district along 28th Av." (If you want a copy of the ride zine, please email me!)

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